A new disruptive world! / ¡Nuevo mundo disruptivo!

Come in! You are welcome / ¡Adelante! Usted es bienvenido

Puerta antigua1

Go from light to dark. Enjoy the freshness. It’s hot outside, inside you’ll be better and you may have a rest. Do not hurry to leave. You are welcome and I want you to feel at home. You can sit down and we’ll talk. About what you want. Moreover, if you just feel like talking, I will only listen to you. Sometimes it is the best for the soul. And I have all the time in the world to listen to you. When you will be recuperated and with strenght then you will be able to go back to the outside world and restart your journey. And do not hesitate to come back when you needed. I’ll be here forever. Waiting for you. /

Pasa de la luz a la penumbra. Disfruta del frescor. Fuera hace calor, dentro estarás mejor y podrás descansar. No tengas prisa en salir. Eres bienvenido y yo quiero que te sientas como en tu casa. Podrás sentarte y charlaremos. Sobre lo que quieras. Es más, si sólo te apetece hablar, yo sólo te escuchare. Algunas veces es lo mejor para el alma. Y yo tengo todo el tiempo del mundo para escucharte. Cuando estés recuperado y con fuerzas podrás salir de nuevo al mundo exterior y comenzar de nuevo tu andadura. Y no dudes en volver cuando lo necesites. Yo estaré aquí siempre. Esperándote.


© Texto y Fotos: Rafael Prado Velasco 2013

9 comentarios

  1. That is a beautiful door!~amy

    May 27, 2013 en 6:25 pm

    • You’re right, Amy. It is a wonderful old door of an ancient church in a renamed village of Spain. You have a good eye for details!

      See you!

      May 27, 2013 en 6:37 pm

      • Hard to miss, that door looks as though it weighs a thousand pounds. Do you know how old the church is? You live in Spain? I was going to snoop & try to find where you are, which is silly, when I could have asked you.
        I just read an article about Sicily in National Geographic Mag. It was about a church that kept mummies. They did have a detailed map & I have to admit I hadn’t looked at Spain since half of my high school class traveled there. ~amy

        May 29, 2013 en 5:33 pm

      • Hi, Amy! How many questions! 🙂
        First of all I have to say that YES, I live in Spain 😉 , in a small city of almost 100.000 habitants called El Puerto de Santa María, with good quality of life. However now the serious problem of unemployment in Europe and especially in Spain is assuming a decrease in this quality of life but we hope it will again recover with adequate economic growth policies. The city has a river and some pretty beaches of golden sand to the Atlantic Ocean. It is near of Cádiz, Andalusia, in the south od Spain. Very near of Seville too.
        Spain has a long history like sure you know ( for example Cádiz is one ot the the oldest city in the Mediterrenean with more than three millennium old) Sometimes I think that spanish people has history running by their genes 🙂 So we are accustomed to being surrounded by urban spaces, old buildings and architectural or sculptural elements steeped in history.
        About the door: It is the front door of an important church of a village called Daroca in north of Spain that nowdays is National Monument. This church was collegiate basilica since 1377 and therefore is known by the name of «St. Mary’s College», or Our Lady of the Body. Its original building was Romanesque, but expanded and remodeled several times during the Gothic period, remaking almost completely at the end of of the sixteenth century, according to the language Renaissance. Besides, this Romanesque building was possibly built on Daroca Mosque of the city once conquered by Alfonso I in 1120.

        Where did you stay when you travel to Spain? Madrid? Barcelona? Seville?


        May 29, 2013 en 7:41 pm

  2. Hola Rafael, gracias por tus amables respuestas :))
    Que hermosa foto y detalles preciosos!
    Muy bonito también tu texto poético.
    Ahora me di cuenta de que el trabajo de acero fue fotografiado!
    Tu tiene una gran sensibilidad, la mirada del arquitecto es siempre
    para descubrir la belleza.
    .Sí, dibujo, hago pinturas y utilizo muchos tipos de texturas y pigmentos, pero en el mi blog yo publiqué sólo mi obra gráfica.
    En Brasil, hemos estudiado un poco de Español, porque es una lengua
    obligatoria. Así que puedo leer bien, aunque mi escritura no es
    es muy buena…pero me encanta conocer diferentes idiomas,
    esta es una de mis pasiones también. Te deseo un hermoso día con gran alegria
    abrazos e gracias ~~ Jussara

    May 28, 2013 en 8:54 am

    • Gracias a ti, Jussara, por el esfuerzo que pones en responder. Se que tienes muchos seguidores y comentarios, y sin embargo a todos respondes. Es muy de agradecer. Respecto al nivel artístico, daría mi brazo derecho por tener tu nivel -bueno, aunque reconozco que soy zurdo 🙂 y de alguna forma tengo que seguir mejorando-
      E agora na sua língua: Obrigado por terem vindo e você passar um dia feliz.
      Um abraço, 😉

      May 28, 2013 en 11:49 am

      • Hola Rafael,
        gracias por tu amable comentario sobre mi trabajo :))
        Ahora tengo más tiempo, pero no siempre yo puedo responder a los comentarios de inmediato, pero lo intento.
        Me gusta visitar los blogs de personas de diferentes países y poder interactuar con los autores. Me parece interesante!
        Oh, tu no tienes que dar ninguno de los brazos LoL
        porque tu fografia es una arte y de excelente nivel, también tu poesía es muy bonita.
        Gracias por las palabras en mi lengua, me gustó mucho.:))
        Te deseo un día muy feliz.
        un abrazo ~ ~ Jussara

        May 30, 2013 en 8:52 am

  3. A beautiful door, Spanish design I think as I have seen similar doors in Chile South America.

    May 28, 2013 en 1:36 pm

    • You’re right! :). It is the door of the principal entrance to an ancient church in Daroca, a beautiful village in Spain.
      Happy to see you again!

      May 28, 2013 en 1:40 pm

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